“The ethos of our Killeigh School Boys/Girls Soccer Club is to look after the children first and foremost. We’re all here for the enjoyment, and if the children are not enjoying it then what is the point?
Our youngest players start as cubs, and it’s a brilliant introduction for them. They are so junior that some don’t even know what is happening! They may want to stand and stare at the sky, spot aeroplanes, look for worms or kick a ball around, but we don’t mind! It’s amazing how children develop differently. Over the years, we have had children who took to it straight away. We have also had those that wouldn’t have had much interest starting off but then really begin to get into it and turn into lovely players. They are what we would call ‘late developers’, and this is why it is so important to give every child a chance. Winning doesn’t come into it when they are as young as 8, 9 and 10. Of course, children are competitive, and when they get older, they will want to win, and we have had many wins over the years.

The club started in 1992 when over a dozen young children who played soccer out on the green in Killeigh every day formed the first team. AC Milan was going brilliantly at the time so the young ones picked the colours red and black, and they are still the colours we use today! Our first pitch, a field in the middle of Killeigh village, was kindly offered to us by local farmer Ken Mathews. Once we grew in size, we had to find somewhere bigger, and that was when we moved to ‘The Pond’. The McKeon family gave us the use of that land and they have been so good to us for 21 years. Without their kindness and that of the neighbours there, we couldn’t have continued.

I like to think that our ethos of giving every child a chance is what attracts large numbers to join us. I did a course once and remember one of the guys from the FAI saying, “The way you treat the kids will be long remembered after the result of the game,” and that would be where we are coming from”.

The late Frank McEvoy was the secretary of the Killeigh Schoolboys and Girls Soccer Club. He passed away on 7th November 2021. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis.